Monetize Facebook Groups
Advertise Cheaper

We match Facebook Group Owners with Advertisers

Administrating a Facebook Group is not an easy task; you have to check on new members, block spammers, moderate the members' posts, and sometimes block scammers.

For this very time-consuming work, group owners don't get paid a penny, although Facebook makes a ton of money from advertisers by serving ads in between posts.

@everyone solves this problem by connecting advertisers with group owners, offering a monetization solution for admins and a lower advertising fee option for advertisers. Of course, Facebook won't make a penny out of it.

Do you own a Facebook Group?

Click here to see how you can start monetise it using Send Everyone.

Advertising methods for FB Groups

AI is good, and we use it a lot ourselves too, but there is a catch: when it comes to advertising, you can't rely 100% on it. This is why at @everyone, we process every customer, Facebook group, and campaign manually. Unlike the classic Facebook Ads system where you have to trust their AI for targeting the right audience, at @everyone we identify your real needs and serve your ads only to the right Facebook Groups and Communities. By doing so, we increase your reach and potentially your number of leads and customers.

@everyone Notifications
Advertise smarter and cheaper using our FB Groups network
Cover Image
Rent out the Group Cover Image for a week and advertise in style
Pinned Posts
Stay ahead of everyone with the pinned posts on FB Groups
Pre-Approved Posts
Get two posts per day automatically approved

Outstanding services, best rates

Do you feel overlwelmed about the amount of work required to keep up with your competitors on social networks?
Beat the system using SendEveryone range of services, we offer the best value for money services.

Video Editing
We create videos with impact using stock videos.
Image Editing
We edit images and create ads artwork that sells.
Paid Ads Optimisation
Do you need an experienced team to setup your paid ads?
Live Chat for your website
Increase your customer retention with our 24/7 live chat support.